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Tag Archive for Saints

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

How did Elizabeth Ann Seton discover the Catholic Faith?

Which English bishop was martyred in his own cathedral?

Which English bishop was martyred in his own cathedral?

Who are the Fourteen Holy Helpers?

Who are the Fourteen Holy Helpers?

Who was Juan Diego?

Who was Juan Diego?

What is the origin of Christmas stockings?

What is the origin of Christmas stockings?

How to smuggle sermons out of a Nazi prison

How to smuggle sermons out of a Nazi prison

What is the St. Andrew’s Novena?

What is the St. Andrew’s Novena?

The bread that turned into roses…

The bread that turned into roses…

Who is the only female saint called “the Great”?

Who is the only female saint called “the Great”?

Who was called “Bishop Boots”?

Who was called “Bishop Boots”?